• - 일시: 2018년 5월 26일(토), 08:30~17:30
  • - 장소: 서울 그랜드힐튼호텔
시간 제1회의장 시간 제2회의장 시간 제3회의장 시간 제4회의장 시간 제5회의장
08:30~12:30 혈액종양 08:30~12:00 순환기 08:30~12:00 알레르기 08:30~12:30 관절류마티스 08:30~12:30 내분비-대사
Recent Advances in Hematologic malignancies <좌장: 장준호> Updated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Diseases <좌장: 고영국> Precision Medicine in Allergic diseases <좌장: 최병휘> Rheumatic Diseases Update <좌장: 최정윤> Pituitary Session Ⅰ <좌장: 서교일>
08:30~09:00 Recent Advances in CML & MPN 박 용 (고려의대) 08:30~08:55 Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension 박성하(연세의대) 08:30~09:15 Prediction, Differential Diagnosis and Management of Asthma Exacerbation 김상훈(을지의대) 08:30~09:00 Sjogren’s Syndrome 곽승기(가톨릭의대) 08:30~09:00 Imaging of Pituitary Mass 이승구(연세의대, 영상의학과)
09:00~09:30 Recent Advances in Multiple Myeloma 김진석(연세의대) 08:55~09:20 Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemias 최윤석(가톨릭의대) 09:15~10:00 Asthma-COPD Overlap: Single Disease Entity or not? 정재원(인제의대) 09:00~09:30 Interstitial lung Disease Associated with Rheumatic Diseased 성윤경(한양의대) 09:00~09:30 Evaluation of Pituitary Function 구철룡(연세의대)
09:30~10:00 Recent Advances in Lymphoma 양덕환(전남의대) 09:20~09:45 Guidelines for the Differential Diagnosis and Management of Syncope 김남호(원광의대) 09:30~10:00 Interrelationship of Uric Acid, Gout, and Metabolic Syndrome 김성규(대구가톨릭의대) 09:30~10:00 Surgical Treatment of Pituitary Mass 공두식(성균관의대, 신경외과)
09:45~10:10 Guidelines for the Management of ST-elevation MI 홍승표(대구가톨릭의대)
10:00~10:30 Coffee Break 10:10~10:30 Coffee Break 10:00~10:30 Coffee Break 10:00~10:30 Coffee Break 10:00~10:30 Coffee Break
Recent Advances in Immuno-oncology <좌장: 안중배> Updated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Diseases <좌장: 김원> Precision Medicine in Allergic diseases <좌장: 최동철> Lessons from Rare Cases <좌장: 송정수> Pituitary Session Ⅱ <좌장: 김성운>
10:30~11:00 Lung cancer and Melanoma 이대호(울산의대) 10:30~10:55 Guidelines for the Management of Mitral Valve Disease 김계훈(전남의대) 10:30~11:15 Diagnosis and Management of Radiocontrast Media Hypersensitivity 김태범(울산의대) 10:30~11:00 Drug-induced Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasm Antibody Positive Pyoderma Gangrenosum 손창남(계명의대) 10:30~11:00 Secondary Hypogonadism: Evaluation & Treatment 이혜진(이화의대)
11:00~11:30 GI cancer and Hepatobiliary cancer 신상준(연세의대) 10:55~11:20 Guidelines for the Management of Heart Failure 박재형(충남의대) 11:15~12:00 Treatment of Chronic Refractory Urticaria 송우정(울산의대) 11:00~11:30 Acquired Hemophilia A Combined with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 이찬희(일산병원) 11:00~11:30 Postop. Monitoring & Medical Treatment of Acromegaly 진상욱(경희의대)
11:30~12:00 H&N cancer and GU cancer   김범석(서울의대) 11:20~11:45 Guidelines for the Management of Aortic Diseases 강웅철(가천의대) 11:30~12:00 Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension is Normalized Following Six Years of Inhaled Iloprost Treatment in a Patient with Systemic Sclerosis 김현아(아주의대) 11:30~12:00 Diabetes Insipidus: Evaluation & Treatment 김혜순(계명의대)
12:00~12:30 Act on decisions on life-sustaining treatment for patient at the end of life 이명아(가톨릭의대) 11:45~12:00 Q&A 12:00~12:30 Neutrophilic Myositis 이광훈(동국의대) 12:00~12:30 Medical Claims Related Pituitary Diseases 김성운(경희의대)
13:30~17:30 소화기 13:30~17:30 감염 13:30~17:30 신장 13:30~17:30 호흡기
Recent Update in Gastrointestinal Diseases <좌장: 상부(이용찬), 하부(윤세진)> Focused Topics <좌장: 이상오> Acid-base and Electrolyte Disorder: Update <좌장: 류동열> Update of Pulmonary Disease <좌장: 박인원>
13:30~13:55 Recent Advances in Esophageal Motility Disorders 송호준(울산의대) 13:30~14:15 Current Status and Outlook of Mosquito-Borne Disease in Korea 염준섭(연세의대) 13:30~14:00 Basic Physiology for Managing Acid-base and Electrolyte Cases 오윤규(서울의대) 13:30~14:00 Diagnosis and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis 심태선(울산의대)
13:55~14:15 Helicobacter pylori Infection and Gastric Diseases 김태호(가톨릭의대) 14:15~15:00 Prevention and Treatment of CMV Diseases in Immunocompromised Host 한상훈(연세의대) 14:00~14:30 Disorders of Sodium and Water 이동원(부산의대) 14:00~14:30 Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea: Based on Polysomnography 이상학(가톨릭의대)
14:15~14:40 Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy 조영석(가톨릭의대) 14:30~15:00 New Era for the Treatment of Hyperkalemia 박재윤(동국의대) 14:30~15:00 Recent Evidence Based Personalized Approach in Lung Cancer Treatment 이승룡(고려의대)
14:40~15:00 Diagnosis and Management of Constipation 윤순만(충북의대)
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break
Recent Update in Management of Hepatitis and Pancreatobiliary Diseases <좌장: 간(양진모), 담췌(이성구) > Review of Up-to-date Guidelines <좌장: 김신우> Acid-base and Electrolyte Disorder: Update <좌장: 이상호> Update of Pulmonary Disease <좌장: 심재정>
15:30~16:00 Long-term Outcome and Safety of Treatment for Chronic hepatitis B 허내윤(인제의대) 15:30~16:10 2017 IDSA Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Infectious Diarrhea 박성연(동국의대) 15:30~16:00 Current Treatment of Lactic Acidosis 고강지(고려의대) 15:30~16:00 Idiopathic Pneumonia with Autoimmune Feature 김용현(가톨릭의대)
16:00~16:30 Recent Update in the Treatment of Chronic hepatitis C 송명준(가톨릭의대) 16:10~16:50 Norovirus Outbreak Management and Disease Prevention Guidelines 강승지(전남의대) 16:00~16:30 Metformin and Lactic Acidosis 송상헌(부산의대) 16:00~16:30 Dual Bronchodilator in COPD 임성용(성균관의대)
16:30~17:00 Management of Benign Gallbladder Diseases 이태훈(순천향의대) 16:50~17:30 Norovirus in pathophysiologic and diagnostic aspects 김의종(씨젠/서울의대) 16:30~17:00 Renal Tubular Acidosis 김세중(서울의대) 16:30~17:00 Practical Use of DOACs in PE 김양기(순천향의대)
17:00~17:30 Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Pancreatitis 이인석(가톨릭의대) 17:00~17:30 Metabolic Alkalosis and Mixed Acid-base Disorders 조장희(경북의대)
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Recent Update in Gastrointestinal Diseases 좌장: 상부(이용찬), 하부(윤세진)
13:30~13:55 Recent Advances in Esophageal Motility Disorders 송호준(울산의대)
13:55~14:15 Helicobacter pylori Infection and Gastric Diseases 김태호(가톨릭의대)
14:15~14:40 Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy 조영석(가톨릭의대)
14:40~15:00 Diagnosis and Management of Constipation 윤순만(충북의대)
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break
Recent Update in Management of Hepatitis and Pancreatobiliary Diseases 좌장: 간(양진모), 담췌(이성구) 
15:30~16:00 Long-term Outcome and Safety of Treatment for Chronic hepatitis B 허내윤(인제의대)
16:00~16:30 Recent Update in the Treatment of Chronic hepatitis C 송명준(가톨릭의대)
16:30~17:00 Management of Benign Gallbladder Diseases 이태훈(순천향의대)
17:00~17:30 Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Pancreatitis 이인석(가톨릭의대)
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Updated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Diseases 좌장: 고영국
08:30~08:55 Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension 박성하(연세의대)
08:55~09:20 Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemias 최윤석(가톨릭의대)
09:20~09:45 Guidelines for the Differential Diagnosis and Management of Syncope 김남호(원광의대)
09:45~10:10 Guidelines for the Management of ST-elevation MI 홍승표(대구가톨릭의대)
10:10~10:30 Coffee Break
Updated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Diseases 좌장: 김원
10:30~10:55 Guidelines for the Management of Mitral Valve Disease 김계훈(전남의대)
10:55~11:20 Guidelines for the Management of Heart Failure 박재형(충남의대)
11:20~11:45 Guidelines for the Management of Aortic Diseases 강웅철(가천의대)
11:45~12:00 Q&A
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Update of Pulmonary Disease 좌장: 박인원
13:30~14:00 Diagnosis and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis 심태선(울산의대)
14:00~14:30 Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea: Based on Polysomnography 이상학(가톨릭의대)
14:30~15:00 Recent Evidence Based Personalized Approach in Lung Cancer Treatment 이승룡(고려의대)
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break
Update of Pulmonary Disease 좌장: 심재정
15:30~16:00 Idiopathic Pneumonia with Autoimmune Feature 김용현(가톨릭의대)
16:00~16:30 Dual Bronchodilator in COPD 임성용(성균관의대)
16:30~17:00 Practical Use of DOACs in PE 김양기(순천향의대)
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Pituitary Session Ⅰ 좌장: 서교일
08:30~09:00 Imaging of Pituitary Mass 이승구(연세의대, 영상의학과)
09:00~09:30 Evaluation of Pituitary Function 구철룡(연세의대)
09:30~10:00 Surgical Treatment of Pituitary Mass 공두식(성균관의대, 신경외과)
10:00~10:30 Coffee Break
Pituitary Session Ⅱ 좌장: 김성운
10:30~11:00 Secondary Hypogonadism: Evaluation & Treatment 이혜진(이화의대)
11:00~11:30 Postop. Monitoring & Medical Treatment of Acromegaly 진상욱(경희의대)
11:30~12:00 Diabetes Insipidus: Evaluation & Treatment 김혜순(계명의대)
12:00~12:30 Medical Claims Related Pituitary Diseases 김성운(경희의대)
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Acid-base and Electrolyte Disorder: Update 좌장: 류동열
13:30~14:00 Basic Physiology for Managing Acid-base and Electrolyte Cases 오윤규(서울의대)
14:00~14:30 Disorders of Sodium and Water 이동원(부산의대)
14:30~15:00 New Era for the Treatment of Hyperkalemia 박재윤(동국의대)
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break
Acid-base and Electrolyte Disorder: Update 좌장: 이상호
15:30~16:00 Current Treatment of Lactic Acidosis 고강지(고려의대)
16:00~16:30 Metformin and Lactic Acidosis 송상헌(부산의대)
16:30~17:00 Renal Tubular Acidosis 김세중(서울의대)
17:00~17:30 Metabolic Alkalosis and Mixed Acid-base Disorders 조장희(경북의대)
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Recent Advances in Hematologic malignancies 좌장: 장준호
08:30~09:00 Recent Advances in CML & MPN 박 용 (고려의대)
09:00~09:30 Recent Advances in Multiple Myeloma 김진석(연세의대)
09:30~10:00 Recent Advances in Lymphoma 양덕환(전남의대)
10:00~10:30 Coffee Break
Recent Advances in Immuno-oncology 좌장: 안중배
10:30~11:00 Lung cancer and Melanoma 이대호(울산의대)
11:00~11:30 GI cancer and Hepatobiliary cancer 신상준(연세의대)
11:30~12:00 H&N cancer and GU cancer 김범석(서울의대)
12:00~12:30 Act on decisions on life-sustaining treatment for patient at the end of life 이명아(가톨릭의대)
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Focused Topics 좌장: 이상오
13:30~14:15 Current Status and Outlook of Mosquito-Borne Disease in Korea 염준섭(연세의대)
14:15~15:00 Prevention and Treatment of CMV Diseases in Immunocompromised Host 한상훈(연세의대)
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break
Review of Up-To-date Guidelines 좌장: 김신우
15:30~16:10 2017 IDSA Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of
Infectious Diarrhea
16:10~16:50 CDC Norovirus Outbreak Management and Disease Prevention Guidelines 강승지(전남의대)
16:50~17:30 Norovirus in Pathophysiologic and Diagnostic Aspects 김의종(씨젠/서울의대)
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Precision Medicine in Allergic diseases 좌장: 최병휘
08:30~09:15 Prediction, Differential Diagnosis and Management of Asthma Exacerbation 김상훈(을지의대)
09:15~10:00 Asthma-COPD Overlap: Single Disease Entity or not? 정재원(인제의대)
10:00~10:30 Coffee Break
Precision Medicine in Allergic diseases 좌장: 최동철
10:30~11:15 Diagnosis and Management of Radiocontrast Media Hypersensitivity 김태범(울산의대)
11:15~12:00 Treatment of Chronic Refractory Urticaria 송우정(울산의대)
강의시간 주제 연자(소속)
Rheumatic Diseases Update 좌장: 최정윤
08:30~09:00 Sjogren’s Syndrome 곽승기(가톨릭의대)
09:00~09:30 Interstitial lung Disease Associated with Rheumatic Diseased 성윤경(한양의대)
09:30~10:00 Interrelationship of Uric Acid, Gout, and Metabolic Syndrome 김성규(대구가톨릭의대)
10:00~10:30 Coffee Break
Lessons from Rare Cases 좌장: 송정수
10:30~11:00 Drug-induced Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasm Antibody Positive Pyoderma Gangrenosum 손창남(계명의대)
11:00~11:30 Acquired Hemophilia a Combined with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 이찬희(일산병원)
11:30~12:00 Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension is Normalized Following Six Years of Inhaled Iloprost Treatment in a Patient with Systemic Sclerosis 김현아(아주의대)
12:00~12:30 Neutrophilic Myositis 이광훈(동국의대)
(우. 04146) 서울시 마포구 마포대로 109, 101동 2501호 (공덕동 롯데캐슬프레지던트)
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E-mail: kaim4364@kams.or.kr